LEI Lookup for UK companies

LEI lookup makes it simple for anyone to reveal LEI details such as the country, entity status, and legal name of a company. This is useful for validating an LEI number or ensuring that the information held in the entity has been updated.

Using an LEI lookup tool

We’ve detailed some common steps to help you make the most of an LEI code lookup service.

Finding an LEI number

To begin using an LEI lookup, you must first obtain the LEI or full legal name of the entity you wish to examine. If you’re unsure of the company’s legal name, LEI Register’s LEI search tool will automatically offer suggestions based on what you have entered. Remember that a company’s legal entity name may differ slightly from what you’re accustomed to calling them.

If you enter a partial search, you’ll be given a list of entities to choose from. You can select the entity that you want to look up, or you can continue typing the full name to narrow the search. If you’re entering a partial LEI number, the tool will not offer suggestions. If you enter an identifier into the LEI lookup, you must enter the full 20 characters.

It’s worth noting that entity names can be registered in different languages. If you’re looking for an entity in a different country and the name is typically written in another language, you may want to try searching for it using its native name or language for better results.

Narrowing LEI searches

If the entity you’re looking for is different from the results, then you may want to consider using filters to narrow the LEI search. This will help you find a specific legal entity without needing trial and error or communicating with a company and asking for it.

One of the most useful features is the Country filter. By clicking the “Country” button, you can filter results based on the country the entity is based in. You can scroll through the drop-down box to find the country the entity is in, or you can type it into the text box. Once you select it, all LEI code lookup results will be filtered by the country you’ve picked. This is useful if you know the country that the entity is based in but not the full legal name.

Lastly, you can also sort the search results by country, entity status, legal name, LEI, and registration status. This is done by clicking the top of the column where the text is located. Clicking it once will sort it in ascending order, and clicking it again will sort it in descending order. This is useful for sorting the names alphabetically or if you’re looking for an entity that is inactive, retired, or merged.

Examining LEI search results

You can click the autocomplete results or the search results to be taken to the entity page.

This page will show you a wealth of information regarding the legal entity. For example, it will display its status, registered address, entity legal form code, expiration date, and reason. If you scroll down, you’ll also see information such as the various addresses the entity has used, detailed registration information, and also parents and direct children.

The parents, direct children, and ultimate children information is crucial for understanding the overall structure of a legal entity. This information is regularly verified based on the procedures and protocols established by the LEI Regulatory Oversight Committee. It ensures a high level of transparency when searching for information related to any legal entity.

Why use an LEI Lookup tool?

An LEI Lookup can be useful for certain people, parties, and entities. For example, if you own a company, then you may be wondering what an LEI code lookup would reveal about your company. If there is any incorrect information, then it’s a good opportunity to fix anything incorrect or outdated. You’ll be able to update the information at any point.

LEI Lookup is also helpful when entering a financial transaction with another company. For the transaction to be successful, you may want to consider updating your information so that it’s accurate. This will greatly reduce any concerns that another company might have if they discover that the information on your LEI code is incorrect. It’s also a good idea to check the information tied to the other company’s LEI number for more transparency.

In short, an LEI lookup tool can help provide peace of mind and transparency during corporate interaction. If the information is accurate, then you’ll have more confidence in the companies that you are interacting with. However, if your information or the information of another entity is inaccurate, then you have the option to challenge it and suggest new data. These challenges are also used to correct duplicate entries.

Registering an LEI code

If you cannot find a company on an LEI code lookup tool, then there’s a chance that no one has registered it. This often indicates that the company is relatively new or has not registered.

To register for an LEI code, one can initiate the process with an LEI Registration Agent. This process is not free and will vary in price depending on various circumstances. It’s worth exploring the market for different solutions to help you find a cost-effective and reliable solution. Currently, LEI Register offers the lowest cost (from £ 39) LEI Registration in the UK.

Once you have obtained your LEI, it will be added to the global database, and you can search for it with an LEI lookup tool. Be sure to keep the information of your LEI up-to-date if someone searches for your company.

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£35 /year

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